us gold and silver coins Information
Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 6)
By Steve Renner
Pre-1933 Gold Outperforms Today's Gold Bullion...
Since 1970, an investment strategy that included Pre-1933 gold has been proven to outperform modern gold bullion, gold bars, Krugerrand gold coins, Canadian Maple Leaf gold coins, or American Eagles.
In fact, $1,000 invested in common date, Pre-1933 Gold coins has a market value of $19,595. But, gold bullion would be worth only $7,429.* Clearly, investing in common date gold coins has paid off handsomely.
Truly Rare Coins Bigger Winners- But, Collectors Universe reports that you would have done even better by acquiring investment quality, U.S. Rare Coins back in 1970. The CU3000 would be worth $54,158 and Mint State, Rare Gold would be worth $74,299 today, far outperforming gold or the Dow over the last 30 years.
Pre-1933 Gold Offers the Best Leverage - As you might expect, classic Pre-1933 U.S. gold coins are directly affected by the rising price of gold. When gold goes up, the generic gold coins follow. However, many people don't realize that Pre-1933 gold coins offer substantial leverage to the gold market and advantages over modern gold bullion coins like American Eagles.
Pre-1933 Gold Soared When Gold Was Flat - However, sectors of the U.S. Rare Coin Market and the gold markets don�t move in tandem. Generic gold coins soared in value in the early 1970�s, in the 1976-1980 Bull Market for coins, and again in the mid-1980�s despite the fact that gold prices were relatively flat.
In today's marketplace, gold trades near 20-year lows and generic Pre-1933 gold is also highly undervalued. Both offer investors a good soure of value during a time when high-tech stocks are crashing, the economy is headed for a recession and inflation is rising quickly.
All of these factors have historically put investors in a position of a flight to safety from paper assets into hard assets. When investors suddenly enter the U.S. Rare Coin Market, the demand can quickly overwhelm the limited supply.
About The Author
Steve Renner is the CEO of cashcards-goldlynks
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Typically, collectors will use an adequate reference book to find the note they want. Then, they look through the many price lists they might have to find a dealer who offers the same note in an acceptable condition for an acceptable price. Lots of dealers put parts of their price lists in Bank Note Reporter ads. The collector then either calls or faxes the dealer with a credit card number or send a check in the mail.
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Remember, collectors may want old coins, but they expect those coins to look old. The toning and discoloration on most coins adds to their value. Not cleaning filthy coins may detract a little from their value, but poorly cleaning them can result in a permanent loss of most of it.
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There are four main reasons I recommend diversifying within your gold coin portfolio. First, let's look at the fun aspect. At the end of the day, one of the big reasons I invest in gold is because of the fun factor. The coins are just plain neat! Why would I want to own all of the same thing, when I can get a sample of all different types and sizes of coins? As a reward to myself as an investor and collector, I try to not always buy the same thing.
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England: Sovereign gold coins. The history of the first British Sovereigns stretches back to the beginning of England's Tudor era.
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Whether you are buying or selling coins, you can increase your advantage when dealing with coin dealers by understanding how things work behind the scenes. One of the biggest problems I see, as an observer of the coin collecting marketplace, is the wide gulf between what the average consumer expects from a coin dealer, and what the average coin dealer believes he should provide to the consumer. The majority of these differences boil down to trust. The average consumer thinks he can trust the coin dealer to give him an honest appraisal and pay a fair price for the coins he is selling. The average dealer feels it is right to pay the lowest price he can for the coins, to maximize his profit, and that it is up to the consumer to do his homework.
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Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:07:46 +0000
by Greg Reynolds for CoinLink
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