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Saturday, December 13, 2008

More information on rare coins gold silver

Collectors And Coin Dealers Article Of The Week

Paper Money & Coin Collecting Info

Among my top five worst coin investments are modified coins, such as genuine U.S. Mint products that have been altered by adding holographics or coloring. These coins are generally considered "damaged" by serious coin collectors, and you will only get the bullion value when you go to sell them, if that. I have heard of dealers discounting them because of the added impurities that the paint and other crap applied to the coins adds to the metal.
According to many experts, the best type of investment coins are rarer, key date coins issued by the United States, in the best grade you can afford to buy them in. If you can't afford to shell out $2,000 a coin to buy key dates in high grades, then buy common coins in the finest grades you can. Lower grade, common coins have historically not appreciated as much in value as key date coins do, so they are probably not a good investment choice (although they're great for filling up the holes in albums, especially with kids helping out!)
Buy Krugerrand gold coins.

The best type of pick box for finding honest to goodness bargains is the flat-rate so-called "junk box." These are boxes into which the dealer has thrown coins that he has determined are not worth his time to catalog and price individually. Sometimes coins get thrown in there just because they're low grade. Other times, the coins might be high grade but just really common. Some dealers even throw in their "attribution challenges!" This latter type of pick box is, by far, the most profitable and most interesting for the cherrypicker! In reality though, most pick boxes contain a mixture of two or more categories of these types of coins. (Attribution challenges are coins that the dealer can't find in his coin catalogs. These are most often seen in World coins, but I've even found genuine U.S. Pre-Federal Colonial Copper coins in junk boxes marked "Misc. Tokens - $2 Each.")
Buy gold coins.

More rare coins gold silver Info

Coin shop owner has seen the best and worst of times

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 17:00:00 +0000
When Gordon Lowery was 15 years old he went to a coin show in Aurora.

"This gentleman had some sovereigns," Lowery said. "At the time they were $15 each. I said I wanted to buy the whole bag. I...

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Investing in coins, stamps, timber and land...

Fri, 14 Nov 2008 17:18:00 +0000
When equity markets yo-yo, the housing market grinds to a halt, banks buckle and commodities crash, it is tempting simply to bail out of everything and hold your cash in a bag under the floorboards....

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Infectuous News Coverage

Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:50:38 +0000
From Wayne Sayles Blog Ancient Coin Collecting
Anyone who follows the media coverage of cultural property issues has hopefully been inoculated against IAB (infectuous archaeological bias). A prime example of how twisted the coverage can get is shared with us by Associated Press in a June 3o, 2008 article by Maamoun Youssef titled “Egypt retrieves ancient ...]

How to crackout coins from PCGS and NGC slabs

Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:49:00 +0000
Every now and then I come across a coin video that I feel is worth sharing. I've never cracked out a coin myself (I'm too afraid I'll damage the coin), but when I saw the first video below and saw...

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